Help us raise money for Jowans kids
I am Kevin Evans, the father of Jowan Evans. In September this year I will be driving in the Rally under £500 to help raise awareness surrounding mental health, and gambling addiction, after losing my Son in March to an online gambling addiction that no one knew he had.
In his words that he left behind, he said "The monster inside me has controlled me for years and everyone will be better off without me".
If there is anyone out there reading this who may be struggling with any kind of addiction please don't be too proud to ask for help, there are people all around you that care, people that love you so much, that want to help you, and support you. Your life does matter.
The rally will be leaving the UK on the 28th September and arriving in Pompeii on the 3rd October. I hope on this venture I will meet people along the way who I can share my story with to help raise awareness.
My trip will be sponsored to try and help raise money for the further education of Jowans three boys who have been left behind. Rubin, Ezra and Arlo Evans, any donations you would like to make will be greatly appreciated and 100% of donations will go towards the children's education.
Jowan Evans was 32 when he decided to take his life after living with an online gambling addiction for over 10 years, that on one knew he had.
He was such a hard working family man, who loved his wife and three boys so much. He was a man that many of his friends looked up to and respected, who loved all his family, who was an amazing son, brother, uncle, grandson, father, husband, and someone who everyone loved.
He was strong, outgoing, and happy, always with a big smile on his face, someone who you would never imagine in a million years would end his own life. I hope that this story will be shared, and if it can encourage even one person out there to ask for help, then it has been worthwhile sharing this.
Jowan you will be in our hearts, and in our stories forever. You will be missed more than you will ever know. Rest in peace son.